LinkedIn Marketing

Using Hashtags on LinkedIn

How to get MORE out of your LINKEDIN HASHTAGS 👇👇👇

I see a lot of photographers posting on LinkedIn that are wasting time by using hashtags that won't bring any benefit to their posts. Remember that LinkedIn is NOT like Instagram, less is more when it comes to hashtags on LinkedIn with the ideal amount being 3 and no more than 5 in total.

Follow these tips to improve your hashtag use and create MORE ENGAGEMENT...


People follow hashtags because they want to see the content for that hashtag feed. The chances are your clients aren't following the hashtag #photography so think about what they are following.

For example, if you're a food photographer your ideal clients are probably following hashtags like, food, hospitality, gourmet, foodanddrink, NOT photography.

If you’re a headshot photographer your clients are most likely business people, they probably won’t be following the hashtag #photography but will certainly be following content like, business, startups, marketing, innovation, success etc

2. 👍Always RESEARCH HASHTAGS before use..

It’s no good using hashtags that have a small following because it’s not going to get eyes on your content. Type the hashtag you want to use in the LinkedIn search bar and see how many people are following it, ideally aim for 50k plus.

3. 👍 Use BROAD HASHTAGS at weekends..

Broad hashtags such as "marketing" have a huge following so there's a good chance your content will be lost during the week, however at weekends content posting drops so use these broader hashtags for your weekend posts.

✅ Follow my LinkedIn hashtag #creatingsuccessfulphotographers for a successful 2021 and checkout my newest website at while you’ll find a host of free resources and a great photography business blog,

How Active Are You on LinkedIn?

It’s easy to stick with the same routine – sending out the same connection message to 50 - 100 people on a daily basis. Yes, your connections will grow and so will your network on LinkedIn but if you really want to make the most of your network by becoming an influencer and thought-leader within your niche you need to start interacting, complementing and commenting on a daily basis.

This means scrolling through your news feed and selecting potential clients you’d love to work with then interacting, complementing and commenting on the content they post. However don’t just leave your interaction on LinkedIn at the complementing and commenting stage, start writing your own creative content and don’t just talk about yourself or your business.

Talk about trends within your industry, news that your potential clients will find of use. Also post articles that create thought, start conversations, debate and interaction. Any form of interaction is good – whether its negative or positive, it will get people thinking and it will get people talking, most people comment objectively and don’t just criticises for the sake of it like many do on Facebook.

Every time you post you’ll be appearing again and again in the news feed of your ever growing network, your profile will receive more views and your influence will increase.

Start using LinkedIn for what it really is - a social selling platform for growing a network and building connections, connections that can slowly turn into clients. Start getting more active on LinkedIn today and become known by many as the thought leader in your niche.

Check out my You Tube Video below for even more top tips and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for regular free marketing hacks and advice.

Goal Setting for Success

Goal setting is a massive part of creating a successful photography business but so many photographers just don’t do it.

It’s essential to set goals for every different area of your photography business. It’s not just about how much money you are going to take or how many new clients you’d ideally like.

Set regular marketing and branding goals such updating your website, writing 10 blogs per month, having 50 Facebook posts per month, increasing your Linkedin connection rate by 1500 over 3 months.

Have goals in every single area of my business and track those goals weekly. I’ve developed a great Photographers Goals Tracker System I can send to you or you can download it from my Awesome Photographers Facebook Group if you’d like to become a member at

Most of all make your goals big, it’s no good having average sized goals. When somebody thinks of a goal they are usually very conservative, if I ask you to think about how much extra money you want to make in the next 12 months it would probably be a very conservative amount and you might say £40,000 or £50,000 which is easily achievable.

If you go for something a lot bigger and say ‘right well I want to increase my business by £150,000’ you are going to have to work a lot harder to achieve that it. Now think about it even if you don’t reach your goal and only get half way towards achieving your target you’ve still hit £75,000 which is 50% more than your original goal.

Really push your goals and have a good objective of what your goals are for every single avenue of your business, then track your goals on a weekly basis reassessing them each month to see which areas need working on more.

Always look at the bigger picture for your business and tweak your goals to keep on track. It could be that you are going to need more clients, so you are going to have to get the website finished quicker, or you’ll need to increase your followers on Facebook and grow your connections on LinkedIn, all of these actions will ultimately lead to increased brand awareness and potentially more clients.

Have goals in every area of your photography business and track them on a regular basis because if you don’t have goals how do you know where you are? How do you know if you are ever going to get there if you don’t know where you are going in the first place? It’s an essential part of developing and taking your business to the next level and it certainly works

Check out my You Tube Video below for even more top tips and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for regular free marketing hacks and advice.

How to Get a Lot More Connections on Linkedin

In order to get more connections on Linkedin you need to have a first-rate connection message. The connection message is your opening introduction to anyone who wants to join your network.

It’s got to be right, it’s got to be brief and it’s got to be powerful. You are limited to just 300 characters per message, so you really have got to get the benefit of connecting home in a very short amount of characters.

Your connection message should NOT be something that directs people to your website and says something very weak like ‘I’m a commercial photographer, I take great pictures have a look at’.

You have got to give them something of value. Let’s say you are a hospitality trade photographer, you start your message with something like ‘Hi I’d love to connect. I take fantastic images that really builds your social media engagement and brings more bookings to your restaurant. I’ve got some great restaurant social media tips I’d love to share with you’.

For example, my own connection message runs along the lines of ‘Hi my name is Jeff I’m a photography marketing mentor. I try and take the magic and mystery out of marketing by giving loads of free useful tips and advice to my photographer followers. I’d love to connect.’

That’s basically it, you are giving something for free, giving something of value away in return for the connection. You are offering people something that is going to build a relationship, you don’t want to try and sell on your first message.

What you are looking to do is to get them to connect with you, so you can build a great relationship further down the line. A relationship that will enable you to sell to them in future messages, but first you must give in-order to receive and build their trust.

Do you want 1000’s of new connections, a highly viewed profile and more importantly connections that become your ideal paying clients here on LinkedIn? Well if you can spare 45minutes a day following my process you can do it easy without spending a penny on adverts or sales funnels and landing pages?

In my Private Facebook Group The Awesome Photographers I’ve put together an entire LinkedIn for Photographers Training Program.

This includes how to totally optimise your profile, write connection messages that really work, build an awesome company page, convert connections in clients and build a huge wealth network on LinkedIn.

I’ve also included a FREE copy of my Best Selling Book The Photographers Missing “Link”edIn which you can download inside the group.

Come and try The Awesome Photographers Group for just $1 joining fee today.

Check out my You Tube Video below for even more top tips and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for regular free marketing hacks and advice.